Beware Of Fake Website
Hi, everybody, On the official website of X-ON MINING to buy mining machines and our official social account introduction, beware of being cheated! Recently, all kinds of scam websites appear. Some customers don’t know they’re being duped. Please be careful.
Pay Attention!!!
We found that there are fraudsters copying our website, please pay attention to miners, beware of fraud! Check our official website, the following is the scammer’s website address, do not engage in any transaction with them, otherwise, any fraud has nothing to do with X-ON MINING.
Scammer website Please note, we have recently noticed that this website is impersonating us, we have no association with this website, please do not have any economic transactions with it.
X-ON MINING Website: / /
Social account:
Facebook: X-ON Mining /
Ins: @xonmining
Youtube: @x-onmining7803
Finally, our special thanks go to the people who made us aware of the existence of the fraudulent websites, thank you for helping us maintain and protect the reputation of X-ON MINING, and thank you for your efforts in stopping more people get scammed
Please note!
TRC20 Start:TWPc8y End:ZAEHvT7b
TRC20 Start:TXjmjuw End: XiHnxjc9
ERC20 Start:0xbca5ff End:fc74050b
SOL Start:DGvECc6k End: dsmUnYsaQL
USD bank account :
Bank name: Asia Account
Starts with 798, ends with 946
US account
Starts with 820, ends with 154
(We are not responsible for any transfer to other accounts, thank you!)
Thank you again for your trust and support to X-ON MINING! We will, as always, try our best to provide our customers with the most competitive price and the best service!